Our Program
Our Program
Global Roots Play School is a warm, vibrant, and inclusive early childhood classroom led by dedicated and experienced educators.
We are committed to helping children grow cognitively, socially, emotionally, and physically, and our approach is founded on the following core beliefs:
We believe that children are capable.
While providing a safe and supportive classroom, we leave room for the children to make decisions and take control of themselves and their environment. Materials are kept on low shelves so that children can choose what they want to play with on their own. Their exploration leads to mastery, and we strive to let that process unfold as naturally as possible.
We believe that children are unique learners.
Our role as educators and caregivers is to support their discovery process. We provide a well-rounded array of materials for children to explore and we act as guides to extend children’s thinking. We support children with developmental variations and we meet children where they are developmentally.
We believe that children learn through relationships.
We form trusting relationships with children by providing a safe, inviting, and predictable environment, and by providing warm and empathetic care. We support children’s complex emotions and value their life experiences. We support children as they develop relationships with one another and we give them space to explore interactions at their own pace.
We believe that play is essential.
Play is the natural mechanism for learning, and as teachers we encourage and nurture playful interactions among children, as well as with staff and family. Much of the work of nurturing play is spent observing and providing opportunities.
We are part of a community caring for children.
We believe that diversity enriches the lives of all. Global Roots is a community with many origins, cultures, ethnicities, languages, and customs, and we are grateful to be a part of our expanding community.